Building on our collaboration with private and academic research centres, our bilingual research meets both academic standards and the concerns of the business community.
Research Interests:
Meily Mei Fung Cheung, Wai Han Lo, Benson Shu Yan Lam (2021). Which Message Frames and Forms Best Promote Political Campaigns via Social Media?. In: Waiguny M.K., Rosengren S. (eds), Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. XI). European Advertising Academy. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
Prud'homme, Stéphane (2021). Women CEOs are more credible than men occupying the same role - Survey. Montréal: Credibility Institute. (Press release)
Bernardino, Paula (2021). Responsible CSR Communications: Avoid “Washing” Your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reports and Messages. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics: Vol. 18, No. 1. (Peer reviewed)
Bernardino, Paula (2021). Engaging Employees through Corporate Social Responsibility Programs: Aligning Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Engagement. Journal of Organizational Psychology: Vol. 21, No. 1. (Peer reviewed)
Bernardino, Paula (2020). If the CMO is becoming a CGO, should the CCO become a CIO?. (Blog)
Prud'homme, Stéphane and Fabien, Lucie-Anne (2019). Crisis Management 4.0: An unheard-of model for practitiones. Montréal: Credibility Institute. (White Paper)
Litalien, Guy et Sauvé, Mathieu (2018). L'évaluation des relations publiques. Chapitre 15 in Introduction aux relations publiques, sous la direction de Stéphanie Yates. Presses de l'Université du Québec, pp. 347-366.
Prud’homme, Stéphane (2015). Revisiting a powerful corporate asset: Credibility. (Blog)
Song, Z.X., Meily Mei Fung Cheung, and Prud’homme, Stéphane (2017). Theoretical Frameworks and Research Methods in the Study of MOOC/e-Learning Behaviors: A Theoretical and Empirical Review. In: Ma W., Chan CK., Tong K., Fung H., Fong C. (eds) New Ecology for Education — Communication X Learning. Singapore: Springer. (Peer reviewed)
Prud'homme, Stephane (2004). Étude sur les facteurs de crédibilité des porte-parole: une compréhension de la crédibilité par la théorie générale des systèmes. Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). Mémoire de maîtrise.
A Research Study on Spokesperson’s Credibility: An Understanding through the General Systems Theory (Master's Thesis).
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